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Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary - estimate


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 I. transitive verb  (-mated; -mating)  Etymology: Latin aestimatus, past participle of aestimare to value, ~  Date: circa 1532  1. archaic  a. esteem  b. appraise  2.  a. to judge tentatively or approximately the value, worth, or significance of  b. to determine roughly the size, extent, or nature of  c. to produce a statement of the approximate cost of  3. judge, conclude  • estimative adjective Synonyms:  ~, appraise, evaluate, value, rate, assess mean to judge something with respect to its worth or significance. ~ implies a judgment, considered or casual, that precedes or takes the place of actual measuring or counting or testing out ~d the crowd at two hundred. appraise commonly implies the fixing by an expert of the monetary worth of a thing, but it may be used of any critical judgment having their house appraised. evaluate suggests an attempt to determine relative or intrinsic worth in terms other than monetary evaluate a student's work. value equals appraise but without implying expertness of judgment a watercolor valued by the donor at $500. rate adds to ~ the notion of placing a thing according to a scale of values a highly rated restaurant. assess implies a critical appraisal for the purpose of understanding or interpreting, or as a guide in taking action officials are trying to assess the damage.  II. noun  Date: 1552  1. the act of appraising or valuing ; calculation  2. an opinion or judgment of the nature, character, or quality of a person or thing had a high ~ of his abilities  3.  a. a rough or approximate calculation  b. a numerical value obtained from a statistical sample and assigned to a population parameter  4. a statement of the cost of work to be done
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См. в других словарях

  n. & v. --n. 1 an approximate judgement, esp. of cost, value, size, etc. 2 a price specified as that likely to be charged for work to be undertaken. --v.tr. (also absol.) 1 form an estimate or opinion of. 2 (foll. by that + clause) make a rough calculation. 3 (often foll. by at) form an estimate; adjudge. 4 fix (a price etc.) by estimate. Derivatives estimative adj. estimator n. Etymology: L aestimare aestimat- fix the price of ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) оценка оценивать 2) приближённый расчёт; предварительный расчёт рассчитывать 3) таксация (леса) таксировать (лес) - estimate of accuracy - Bayesian estimate - biased estimate - conservative estimate - consistent estimate - engineered estimate - exponential estimate - fixed-entropy estimate - inconsistent estimate - integral estimate - interval estimate - least-squares estimate - linear predictive estimate - lower estimate - maximum-likelihood estimate - meaningful estimate - one-sigma estimate - optimistic estimate - overall estimate of accuracy - pessimistic estimate - pooled estimate - preferred estimate - preliminary estimate - sample estimate - smoothed estimate - three-sigma estimate - two-sigma estimate - unbiased estimate - upper estimate - visual estimate - windowed estimate ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  смета; расчёт рассчитывать оценка оценивать estimate of heat loss approximate estimates broad-brush estimates construction estimate contractor's estimate detailed estimate of construction cost pessimistic time estimate terrain estimate ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) смета, расчёт; калькуляция калькулировать 2) оценка оценивать 3) приблизительно подсчитывать, прикидывать; вычислять error in estimate — погрешность оценки to estimate costs — бухгалт. калькулировать стоимость to estimate root — матем. оценивать значение корня - a posteriori estimate - a priori estimate - absolute estimate - accurate estimate - aggregate estimate - asymptotically unbiased estimate - autoregressive estimate - basic asymptotic estimate - binomial estimate - bispectral estimate - budgetary estimate - cluster estimate - coarse estimate - composite estimate - compressed estimate - confounded estimate - continuous estimate - correct estimate - corrected estimate - correlated estimates - crude estimate - current estimate - definitive estimate - derivation of estimate - difference estimate - differential estimate - double-ended estimate - double-sampling estimate - elementary estimate - equal-risk estimate - equidistributed estimate - equivariant estimate - experimental estimate - eye estimate - faulty estimate - filtered estimate - final estimate - global estimate - grand-lot estimate - graphical estimate - group estimate - high estimate - hypothetical estimate - impermissible estimate - inflated estimate - initial estimate - intercensus estimate - jackknifed estimate - large-sample estimate - least squares estimate - likelihood estimate - linear estimate - linearized estimate - long-term estimate - low estimate - mean-square estimate - medium-term estimate - minimax estimate - minimum mean-square error estimate - minimum reasonable estimate - minimum-error estimate - modal-unbiased estimate - most probable estimate - moving-average estimate - multivariate estimate - negative estimate - normalized estimate - numerical estimate - optimum estimate - order-of-magnitude estimate - ordered estimate - overall estimate - pair preference estimate - partial...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. гл. 1) оценивать; исчислять 2) подсчитывать, составлять смету • - accounting estimate - annual estimate - balance of the estimate - be estimated at - best estimate - budgetary estimate - by estimate - calculation of estimate - costs estimate - current estimate - engineering estimate - error of estimate - estimate calculation - estimate for income - estimate of costs - estimate of expenditure - estimate of loss - estimate of mean - estimate of proceeds - estimate prices - estimate the income - reasonable estimate 2. сущ. 1) оценка 2) смета 3) калькуляция - Supplementary Estimate - Supplementary Estimates - approved estimate - collective estimate - detailed estimate - estimate and budget - estimate of expenditures - estimate proceeds - the Estimates - unbiased estimate Syn: quotation, quote ESTIMATE оценка; подсчет; оценивать; подсчитывать – broad-brush estimates – preliminary estimate ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  оценка; оценивать, находить оценку estimate by eye — оценка на глаз – estimate of standing crop – approximate estimate – combined regression estimate – linear unbiased estimate – omnibus estimate – regression estimate – sampling estimate – unbiased estimate – visual estimate ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. оценка to form an estimate —- составить мнение, оченить (положение) critical estimate of an author —- критическая оценка произведений какого-либо автора to form a correct estimate of a modern art —- составить верное представление о современном искусстве what is your estimate of the crop? —- как вы оцениваете урожай?, каково ваше мнение об урожае? estimates of radiation intensity —- определение интенсивности излучения 2. смета, калькуляция; исчисление; предварительный подсчет rough estimate —- ориентировочная оценка, приблизительный подсчет estimate for funds —- смета на денежные ассигнования estimate of requirements —- план-заявка by estimate —- по смете, по предварительному подсчету; примерно the bibliography runs by estimate to 1,650 titles —- библиография содержит около 1650 названий on a conservative estimate —- по самым скромным подсчетам 3. (сметные) предположения the Estimates —- проект (государственного) бюджета (в Великобритании); проект расходной части бюджета (сметы-заявки ведомств - в США) budgetary estimates —- бюджетные предположения 4. оценивать, устанавливать стоимость to estimate the value of a gem —- оценить драгоценный камень 5. оценивать, давать оценку; выносить суждение, судить (о чем-либо) to estimate the powers of an author —- судить о таланте писателя, дать оценку таланту...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) оценка  2) смета; наметка; калькуляция the Estimates - проект государственного бюджета по расходам (представляемый ежегодно в англ. парламент) Syn: see opinion  2. v.  1) оценивать, давать оценку (at) The builder estimates the cost of repairing the roof at $600. I would estimate the size of the garden at  1.000 square metres.  2) составлять смету; подсчитывать приблизительно; прикидывать ...
Англо-русский словарь
  (estimated) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. If you estimate a quantity or value, you make an approximate judgment or calculation of it. Try to estimate how many steps it will take to get to a close object... I estimate that the total cost for treatment will be $12,500... He estimated the speed of the winds from the degree of damage... Some analysts estimate its current popularity at around ten per cent... VERB: V wh, V that, V n, V n at amount • estimated There are an estimated 90,000 gangsters in the country. ADJ: a ADJ amount 2. An estimate is an approximate calculation of a quantity or value. ...the official estimate of the election result... This figure is five times the original estimate... N-COUNT: usu with supp, oft N of/for n 3. An estimate is a judgment about a person or situation which you make based on the available evidence. I hadn’t been far wrong in my estimate of his grandson’s capabilities. N-COUNT: oft with poss, N of n 4. An estimate from someone who you employ to do a job for you, such as a builder or a plumber, is a written statement of how much the job is likely to cost. N-COUNT ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 a calculation of the value, size, amount etc of something  (a rough estimate (=not very exact))  (At a rough estimate I'd say it's about 150 miles. | a conservative estimate (=deliberately rather low))  (That seems a conservative estimate to me.)  (- see also guesstimate) 2 a statement of how much it will probably cost to build or repair something  (We got two or three estimates so we could pick the cheapest.) ~2 v to try to judge the value, size, speed, cost etc of something, partly by calculating and partly by guessing  (The mechanic estimated the cost of repairs at $150. | Iraq is estimated to have over 100 such weapons. | estimate that)  (It is estimated that between 70 and 90 per cent of car crimes occur in the daytime. | estimate how many/what etc)  (It is difficult to estimate how many deaths are caused by passive smoking each year.) - estimated adj  (The concert was watched on TV by an estimated one billion people.) - estimator n ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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